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Trusts can form an important part of estate planning and be a very tax-efficient way of setting aside money or assets for your loved ones to benefit from after you’re gone.

There are lots of different types of trusts, and they can be used for a variety of things – like protecting your home from care-fees in the future, keeping wealth from going to an unintended beneficiary (like in a divorce), setting aside money to be used for a very specific purpose like your children’s education, or even gifting money to charity. All of these types of trust are treated differently for tax purposes.

While trusts are relatively easy to set up, they can be confusing and complicated to get right. You’ll have to think about things like appointing a trustee, working out who your beneficiaries are, and any specific conditions that apply to the trust, too. That’s why it’s always best to get expert advice, so that you can be sure you’re making a decision that will really meet your goals.

We work in partnership with specialist trust and executorships advisors who can walk you through the whole process, from choosing which trust is right for you, to setting it up and handling the legal aspects or advising on the right trustees. Get in touch to find out how we can help.


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