With only a month or so to go before 5 April 2018, the clock is ticking and it is key to fully utilise all the tax reliefs and allowances available for 2017/2018 in order to minimise your liabilities.

Below are just a sample of our questions you may want to ask yourself:

*   Is everyone in your family taking full advantage of their personal allowance?
*   Is your dividend strategy from your company as tax-efficient as it could be?
*   Should an asset that is going to be sold in the near future be transferred into joint names?
*   By making a pension contribution now, what tax saving will that achieve?

For more detailed informaton, please click here for our Tax Guide 2017/18, which we hope you will find useful.  However, please bear in mind that not all options will be suitable for everyone.  Therefore, to consider your individual position and for detailed advice tailored to your specific circumstances, please contact us on 01276 674870.

We’re waiting to hear from you. We can’t wait to be a part of your journey, so get in touch with us today, and let’s get to work.