Welcome to our third newsletter for 2024 aiming to bring you the latest in financial news and updates.

This month we focus on the following topics:

HMRC CLAMPS DOWN ON UNDECLARED DIVIDEND EARNINGS: Starting on 4 February 2024, HMRC is writing to company owners regarding the potential underdeclaration of dividend income.

‘HELP TO GROW’ CAMPAIGN AND SMALL BUSINESS COUNCIL TO AID: SMES The Government has committed to supporting 5.5 million small businesses by updating its Help to Grow campaign and introducing a new Small Business Council next month.

‘LIMITED TAX CUT OPTIONS IN BUDGET’, SAYS CHANCELLOR: Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said that there is little scope for further tax cuts in the Spring Budget.

HOUSE PRICES BEGIN TO FALL AT A SLOWER RATE: House price declines are gradualleasing as sales volumes increase across the UK. In October 2023, prices dropped by -1.4%, slowing to -0.8% by December.

WANT TO TALK TO AN EXPERT? Call one of the team at Porter Garland for advice on any of your financial matters.  Or to keep reading, click this link: news-round-up-mar24

We’re waiting to hear from you. We can’t wait to be a part of your journey, so get in touch with us today, and let’s get to work.