“The UK will not enter a recession” says Jeremy Hunt.  He also said: “We won’t rest until we’re Europe’s most dynamic enterprising economy.” 

We highlight in our attached report, what to look out for in the Spring Budget for 2023.

The Chancellor announced his second fiscal statement and first Budget against a backdrop of fragile public finances, an ongoing cost of living crisis, and increased Government borrowing. In January, the Chancellor appealed to the 9m ‘economically inactive’ people in the UK, specifically retirees, claiming: “to those who retired early due to the pandemic, or haven’t found the right role after furlough, I say Britain needs you.” Ahead of time, then, we expected the Chancellor’s speech – dubbed the ‘back to work Budget’ by the media – to focus on the Government’s economic priorities: halving inflation, growing the economy, and reducing national debt.

To read more, click this link: Spring-Budget-march23-blue

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