HMRC has issued a written reminder to UK businesses to submit their 2011/12 annual returns to HMRC by the 19 May.

Employer annual returns, which provide information on employees’ tax and national insurance deductions during the tax year, must be sent online by this date.

HMRC’s letter will be sent to all employers who have yet to send in their return, reminding them to file on time and detailing the potential penalties if they are returned late. Employers will be charged a penalty of £100 per 50 employees for each month that return remains outstanding after the deadline.

HMRC has stated that employers should be registered for online filing via its PAYE online service as a ‘matter of urgency’. Although the online registration process takes a few minutes, employers are unable to file online until they have activated the service using a unique code which is sent through the post which could take up to a week to arrive.

Please contact us if you need help with your employer annual return.

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